We Create Valuable products using
  Cryogenic and Vacuum technology
                                                                              since 2012 


Portable Gas Analyzer

Newest Technology
✔No need of sample preparation nor analytical column.                                         
✔Able to screen real-time and on-site.                                                       
✔Not only gaseous but solid and liquid sample available.         
Using IAMS                              
IAMS: Ion Attachment Mass Spectrometry
✔Soft ionization. No fragment occur, no need of carrier gas.                                       
✔Easy to determine. No need of MS expertise.                                                       
✔Real time expiration biomarker analysis                                                         
✔Sick house chemical monitoring
✔Food QC

For more information, please contact us.

TEL +81-42-519-1112
FAX +81-42-519-1113
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